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Published: 2024-01-20 by, News Team

London & Liverpool In The Running To Host 2030 Gay Games.

Liverpool and London have entered the competitive race to become the host cities for the 2030 Gay Games, joining a list of 25 global cities vying for this prestigious opportunity.

The most recent edition of the Gay Games, held in Hong Kong and co-hosted by Guadalajara, brought together nearly 2,400 athletes from 45 countries, showcasing a diverse array of sports, from tennis and swimming to fencing and martial arts.

Cities such as Melbourne, Miami, San Diego, and Vancouver, alongside Liverpool and London, now have a two-year window to formulate comprehensive bids. These proposals will outline the sports they plan to host and present a clear funding strategy for the games.

The Federation of Gay Games (FGG) emphasizes that hosting the Gay Games is not just a celebration of sportsmanship but also an opportunity to welcome over 10,000 LGBTQ+ participants and spectators to the chosen city, thereby generating a significant economic impact.

Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member for health, wellbeing, and culture, Harry Doyle, expressed the city's commitment to inclusivity, stating that Liverpool is a place that embraces all communities. He cited the success of hosting Eurovision as evidence of the city's prowess in fostering diversity, combining it with creativity and the distinctive Liverpudlian flair.

The Gay Games, inaugurated in San Francisco in 1982 with a memorable opening ceremony featuring Tina Turner, has since been held in various global cities, including New York, Amsterdam, Sydney, Chicago, Cologne, and Paris. The upcoming edition is slated to take place in Valencia in 2026.

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