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Published: 2024-01-22 by, News Team

Trans Man Found To Be Pregnant In Italy.

Trans male in Italy undergoing gender transition, initially assumed to be a man named Marco, was unexpectedly discovered to be five months pregnant after having a mastectomy.

Marco, who had already undergone a breast removal procedure, was in the advanced stages of transitioning when doctors at a Rome hospital found the pregnancy before a scheduled hysterectomy.

This case, considered the first of its kind in Italy, raises concerns about the baby's welfare and potential effects of the procedures on Marco.

Upon discovering the pregnancy, immediate suspension of hormone therapy is crucial to mitigate potential consequences, particularly in the first trimester.

Giulia Senofonte, an endocrinologist specializing in gender therapy, emphasized the importance of timing in halting testosterone dosages.

Doctors are also concerned about the cardiological risks associated with elevated levels of both male and female hormones.

Despite the challenges, Marco is expected to proceed with the pregnancy, with Italian law permitting abortion after 90 days only under specific health endangerment circumstances. Marco, the biological mother, will be legally registered as the father. This unique case categorizes him as a "seahorse dad," reflecting the tiny group of transgender men who carry pregnancies, drawing an analogy from seahorses where males bear and give birth to offspring.

Marco's decision to transition was rooted in discomfort with a female identity. Dr. Senofonte highlighted the importance of contraceptive measures during hormonal therapy, emphasizing that it does not act as contraception.

Critics, such as Toni Brandi of Pro Vita e Famiglia, a conservative Catholic foundation, expressed opposition to gender fluidity theories and hoped Marco would permanently halt therapy, asserting that the case challenges such theories and reaffirms a traditional understanding of gender.

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